

'Je ne vais pas présenter Andre Botha, ni son parcours, ni lui; tout ce que j'ai envie de  dire c'est qu'il propose quelque chose de différent dans son surf et ça c'est une richesse notable;  j'ai lu tellement de conneries à son sujet depuis ces dernières années.. ce gars vit à sa façon sans  se soucier du regard que les gens pourraient avoir sur lui; et Il semble avoir la  chance d'être assez libre pour faire ce qu'il souhaite. Depuis plusieurs mois il poste régulièrement des montages sur ses sessions vers Durban; regardez sa dernière vidéo en compagnie de Joshua Garner à la fin de l'article (je n'ai pu m'empêcher de sourire à 3'06)

Where are you at this time? some good swells at home last days?
Im in DURBAN SOUTH AFRICA brother, Its been a good winter so far! Although I have been on it with a fresh obsession with getting the best waves I can and you know that you have to be in it to win it! Also I have am so fortunate to have a wife that is great at filming and that films me every time I ride. I am very happy to bring my riding to everyone through the internet viva vimeo. Finding inner peace through nature and wave riding.

You did surf good for the last iba gopro pipe challenge, how was it for you?
It was fun. I must best honest, the waves at Pipe where not as big and heavy as I would have loved, also I was pissed off at myself for not winning the event, so all in all, it was okay for me.

Will you do this year others iba events?
No I will not. Competition is not in my path right now. At this point in my life I do not want to be involved with any judgment what so ever, I believe only in gratitude at all that do what they love.  I want to focus on my wave riding and gettting vimeo clips out there. I think in about 5-10 years time I might be ready for competing again.

Wich regard do you have on the world tour now?
I have no regard about it. I watch it live..... and enjoy it, but deep down I do not see much point in sports .

Anyone  inspiring you today in bodyboarding?
Other than myself? I push myself enough, I dont need anyone else to do that. Its always been within me.

You ride empire bodyboards, can you describe your pro model in few words?
wich template and core do you like to surf at home?
Simple, no gimmicks! Thick and Heavy PE boards for big waves!
I use PP in Durban cause the water is warm. PE double stringer, double mesh in Cape Town where the water is cold.

About your art works, you make very interesting drawings, paintings, 
can you describe what you do?
Have you ever exhibit somewhere?
My art work is not so much about the actual result but much more about the actual act of doing the art work.
No, I have never had an exhibit! But I am ready for my first one!

Last injury while surfing?
Dislocated Thumb - 2009
I have sore muscles all the time after heavy landings.

The thing you hate the most
Well I hate many things that humans do, but destruction of nature and the earth in any way or form is by for the most cruel. I believe strongly that in 2013 and beyond that animals shouldn't be hunted and nature shouldn't be disturbed, even destroyed, to benefit the whims of mankind.

Next travel plan?
Outside of South Africa, Ill be going to the Canaries in October.

Thanks andre; i let you writing what you want
"That which is not good for the bee-hive cannot be good for the bees."
Marcus Aurelius
Thank you - Andre Botha
