Combien de fois n'ai je pas été surpris de voir des crews de japonaises arborer les événements internationaux avec des boards, combis ou palmes que je n'avais jamais vu ailleurs, une multitudes de stickers sous les slicks et des codes couleurs fluos sans cesse déclinés.
Peu savent qu'au Japon vers le milieu de la côte Est (entre Tokyo, Kanagawa et Chiba), il existe une dizaine de marques de bodyboards, un mag (Flipper), un shapeur local (Kato Katsunori), et beaucoup de filles qui surfent vraiment bien avec élégance.
Peu savent qu'au Japon vers le milieu de la côte Est (entre Tokyo, Kanagawa et Chiba), il existe une dizaine de marques de bodyboards, un mag (Flipper), un shapeur local (Kato Katsunori), et beaucoup de filles qui surfent vraiment bien avec élégance.
SLAB magazine y consacre d'ailleurs un article très intéressant dans leur numéro #7:
A tout juste 18 ans Sari Ohhara est une des bodyboardeuses les plus prometteuse du pays sur le WWT. Vainqueur des ISA au Venezuela l'an passé, elle n'a pas hésité à surfer des conditions consistantes au Chili dernièrement; Il y a quelques jours elle remportait le JPBA KPS Isumi Pro 2013 (Japan Professional Bodyboarding Association), une étape des championnats nationaux.
Sari est d'une sympathie assez communicative, la première girl présentée sur SPIT97:
Sari est d'une sympathie assez communicative, la première girl présentée sur SPIT97:
For those who don't know yet, where do you live in japan? Could you present yourself in some words?
Hi I'm Sari Ohhara. I live in Chiba, Japan. I do bodyboarding and follow IBA World Tour.
How did you begin bodyboard?
I started bodyboard when I was 11 years old.
Because my parents gave me a board.
Can you explain us wich spots you surf at home, reef breaks?, beach breaks?
My home point is beach breaks.
I can go there on foot 5 minutes. But I always use bike. haha. That is not big waves. But usually I surf pretty good waves.
Japan bodyboarding commmunity has always been very present with positive energy in world women tour since 15 years thanks to Aoi Koike or Chigusa Nishiyama for the most known names; also there are at least 5 good japan bodyboarding companies and many shops, many riders;
where does this bodyboarding emulation come from ?
Because We have a lot of passion for bodyboarding.
A lot of bodyboarders in Japan because there are easy waves for beginners.
And great riders are giving us passion and make us impress.
You have a professional status in bodyboarding?
I want to make somebody impress by bodyboarding.
And I want to let everybody know bodyboarding is really great sports who don't know about that.
You would like to see an iba wwt event in japan like there were few years ago with Global Organisation of Bodyboarding (GOB)?
I'm hoping that IBA WWT event will be opened in Japan some day.
It will give passion and some stimulation for Japanese bodyboarding more than now.
You came back fews days ago from chili antofagasta iba event, how was the trip?
the wave was difficult to surf?
It was really really good trip!!!!!!
There is not dangerous and a lot of kind people in Chile.
It was little bit difficult waves but that's enough for competition.
I lost ROUND6. But it's gonna be great experience for me, so I won national tour event after Chile!!
And it was great contest by local people.
It was the most wonderful event in which I have experienced.
Next tape in WWT will be Sintra Pro in portugal next september, do you train a lot at home for that now?
Yes I do.
It's really hard getting at Sintra. So I have to training hard and practice.
A technical question i always ask, can you describe the board template you surfe, wich core do you use in smaller/big waves or in hot/cold water?
I always use Polypropylene.
Many japanese bodyboarders used to surfe bat tail in all conditions, is it due to waves you have at home?
It's small wave in Japan. Bat tail is good for it. So everybody are using bat tail.
But we use Crescent tail in big waves such as Hawaii.
In 2012, you won the isa world surfing game in venezuela defeating isabelle Souza in final, how was it?
I can't believe.
She always win IBA and ISA event.
I can't believe it.
I'm happy to be first gold medalist in Japan.
The thing you hate the most?
I hate stomachache. I don't like spider, snake, and ghost.
Many thanks sari! the lasts words are for you, tell what you want
Thank you so much!