Le Brésil à toujours été une très grande nation du bodyboard féminin. Ce mois ci je me suis intéressé à Maylla Venturin, une compétitrice hors pair qui vit à environ 500 km au nord-est de Rio de Janeiro sur la côte; elle ride depuis 25 ans et a réalisé un nombre considérables de podium sur le WWT et sur le tour national brésilien depuis ces 20 dernières années; Comme Neymara Carvalho et G.Tamega, elle a créé sa propre école de bodyboard en 2010; J'ai toujours vu ses classements sur les étapes du tour pro sans en entendre véritablement parler alors il y a quelques mois j'ai pris contact avec elle pour lui proposer une interview; voici ce qu'elle m'a répondu :
Hi Maylla, can you tell us when and how you came to boogie?
I start bodybording in 1989. I have always lived near the beach and when I got home from school, I went to the beach to play with my friends. One day, a friend showed up at the beach with a boogie boarding and I loved! Later, I won a boogie boarding from my father. Was a Christmas Gift and I never stopped. I remember that the deck was leather and rubber side ... And the rubber hurt my legs…
Do you still living at vitoria in brazil? good waves at home thoses days?
Actually, I live 35km from the capital Vitória to side north. My home is in Jacaraípe - Serra. Five minutes from my home, there are great place with rocks and good barrels. It is a right wave the name “Baixas’. There are another place a littler far from my house, around 1:30min by car. The name of the place is “Regência”. There are a very good Barrels to the right and left. Or I can go walk 5 min and surf fat waves…
Can you describe your favorites waves in brazil?
Regência is one of my favorite wave here in Brazil! There are waves at the beach, the name “Point” and the waves at the river mouth, the name “Boca”. And the waves are really good for bodyboarding. There are barrels and good ramp for any maneuver. There are rights and lefts.
Are you enough paid by your sponsors to follow wwt?
There are 3 years that our Government has programs to assist athletes in action. The programs are: “Bolsa Atleta” (the Government offers help with costs for month) and “Compete” (the Government offer tickets to go to the contest). But you must have resulted to enter in this program.
I would like to say thank you to my Government for the opportunity to continue in the sport, representing the people of my State. Because these programs I have not stopped competing.
Can you describe us woman bodyboarding scene in brazil?
are there a young generation with potential good girls?
We have many girls (old and new generation) with good technical and potential in Brazil. This is possible because we have a Regional, Nacional and World contests to promote the sport and exchange experiences with other athletes.
And also have other things that help in the development of sport, the bodyboarding schools. I have the Institute Maylla Venturin three years ago and besides forming a citizen, we are forming competitors too. We also have the support of the State Government in this project.
Do you think that it s more difficult today to find a sponsor for young woman who want to engage fully on the tour?
Yes, is very difficult find a sponsor for a young to run all the Brazilian tour and the world tour too. To find some good sponsor is necessary to have good results. First of all you should invest in youself and get good results to be in the media to try to find some sponsor!!!
Technical question :), how many boards do you have in your quiver?
what kind of shape you like surfing?
Well, at home I have more than 25 boards. Some of this boards was important to me. I have more than 20 years competing… Some times I use my old boards. When I travel, I take two or three boards.
My current board is 38”and 38,5” and the brand is Genesis - MayllaVenturin.
Do you change the core depending the swell or water temperature when you travel?
Yes! But some times I like to much a board that I prefere do not change.
Tell us your best and your worst memory of your career up to now
The best memories for me are friends, learn about other cultures, meet other countries, waves, be on the podium and my Institute!
The worst memories are the long waits at airports, losing important moments with my family and friends from my hometown and difficulties to surf some waves, some bad moments in the watter…
What are your plans for this year?
Realize the dream of becoming world champion. ;D
Maylla many thanks! for the last question, you can say what you want :)
I would like to say thank you to SPIT97 for the space and for the interview.
Thank you to all my sponsors: Genesis Bodyboarding, The Government of my State, Trinta Pés Acessories, Shopping Jacaraípe, Wizard (English school), Sexy Machine (Clothing) and GymClub.
Never give up your dreams! when you least expect it, they will come true.